Business Transformation


Business Transformation Page 1-page-0When Business Transformation expert Ross Stuart arrives at an assignment, what does he usually find?

“Almost all of the problems I find in one business I will have seen before on other assignments,” says Ross, “in fact the pitfalls management fall into are the same both within and across industry sectors.”

Here are the ten management pitfalls Ross encounters most often:

1. Ineffectual, poorly trained senior management
2. Lack of leadership and robust governance: no clear direction and support from the top
3. Senior management in denial
4. Poor quality
5. Narrow customer base
6. Poor financial systems
7. Poor communication with the employees
8. Poor stock control
9. Little or no marketing expertise, a depleted and demotivated sales force
10. High overheads

Ross encounters these pitfalls so often that he has written an ebook detailing how he detects and deals with these issues, and what you can do to deal with them in your business.

Please contact me to request a copy of the book